Monday, 15 October 2012

Now then, now then......

So an EDM in the Houses of Parliament, numerous apologetic statements from the BBC and Police.... Jimmy Savile is guilty then, yeah?
Well actually, no.
When did it become acceptable for the mass hysteria surrounding this story to be reported as FACT?. When did it become acceptable for everyone to assume someone's guiltily from 'allegations' alone?

It didn't.

But then this is different isn't it?..... because he's dead?...... No.

Because, there are a great many people who KNOW he is guilty. People who were enablers and were directly involved. A lid has been kept on this because to 'out' Jimmy years ago would've been catastrophic for those involved. Jimmy would've opened one fuck off big can of worms.
Now he's gone, it's easier for all those involved to pin it all on him.
Don't expect the investigations and inquiries to conclude anything else....

The truth is that (IMHO), Jimmy Savile was part of an elite Paedophile network.

"It was a different time a different era"
"He was a predator"
"We were naive"
"Things have changed since then"

And of course the classic......

"Lessons have been learned"


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