Saturday 27 February 2010

I nearly punched my computer......

What follows is a classic example of why this country is doing down the toilet - Labour/Media Spin being believed by fucking idiots......

I picked this up from a forum discussion about people who basically scrounge off the state and think that it's okay to do so (indeed Labour have created a whole generation who now see it as a career choice!). The discussion was started by someone who's very pissed off with it all, especially those who get free housing (and quite rightly so!).

And this -unbelieveably- was one of the first responses: (my comments - not actually posted - are in blue)

"However is it not the giant co-orperations that run in england and use all our staff and money yet have a poxey PO box in Saudi more the problem? earning millions from england, not entitled to paying tax, thus sucking every penny from the country?" Yeah, course it is mate. These companies use our staff - who's staff exactly, the Govt? And, they do actually pay us you know! Use our money - what money? Companies get their own funding from banks/investors they don't take my money, unlike lazy fucking benefit scroungers....

"I do think in alot of cases its more like 20% of people who are on benefit are just scamming the system and the rest are just having a hard time and any way, if the council own the property, gadgets are imported and government owned etc.... who is earning from the tax payers money?" Only 20%?!!! you wish!... and gadgets are imported and govt owned?!! Yeah, that's right, all those nice white goods, widescreen TVs, playstations, DVD players, etc, are owned by the govt not the benefit scroungers, so if they move all that lovely stuff stays in the house right? fucking stupid is this idiot?!!!

"This doesnt mean i agree with this kind of lifestyle however their are far bigger fish to fry out there."

This was the response from the person who started the discussion.....

"People round here literally pop out children like it's a hobby. For example someone I know has 4 kids by 2 fathers and her youngest was literally 4 weeks old when she posted on a pregnancy website that she thinks she is pregnant again. They don't work, we pay for their house, the father is not disabled, he is perfectly able to work yet he chooses not to because with that many children he's better off staying at home. That is my pet hate, i have 2 children, i work in a rubbish job but I would rather do it that way than having everything handed to me." Couldn't agree more..... lets see what the idiot's response was.....

"however again you say 'we' pay for a house they live in.... however the house is owned by the council and the council pay for it.... thus meaning it probably isnt really costing anything." Yep, that's right, it doesn't cost us anything, cause the council own the houses already!! What a fucking tit. I am seriously worried about this person. They're either winding us up, or they really are this stupid in which case I am concerned that they may forget how to breathe...... and then they said this......

"Its like littering, if everyone in england stopped littering we would lose thousands of jobs, again if everyone stopped causing crime we would lose hundreds of thousands of jobs and again if these people didnt do what they do again we would lose jobs in housing, construction, up keep..... the companies flushing our economy are the worry, one company alone will flush what these people cost to live a year, collectivly in a month from our country.... what happens when its all gone?"  Seriously?!! You're saying that if we stopped all these benefits scroungers from doing what they're doing it would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs!!....... This person needs to be put prevented from having children....

This was my (rather reserved) response:

"What planet are you on?.... seriously?! ".... however the house is owned by the council and the council pay for it.... thus meaning it probably isnt really costing anything." Where did the council get the money to build the houses?. Where do they get the money to pay for it's maintenance?. Almost all in Council housing do not pay the full (or even any) Council tax, who pays to subsidise that?. Most in Council housing receive other benefits paid by the local Counci; Rent rebates, free school meals, free prescriptions etc... WHO ultimately pays for all this?....... YOU and ME, and everyone else who works hard and pays thier taxes! Seriously, are you like a Labour Govt. mole or something? WAKEUP!!!!!! Getting thousands of lazy scroungers of the dole will cost thousands of jobs - REALLY?!!!! You seem to be more concerned about big companies sending thier money abroad, so the title of this discussion should've given you a clue that this isn't the place for you.... "

I'm not sure if I want this person to respond to that. What they say may give me a fucking embolism......

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