Heya, I noticed you were following me on my site - thanks for that. I popped over, saw a content warning and was like, "woot! porn!" Then after clicking "let me in" or whatever, I saw the hot blond at the top and was like "JACKPOT!" Then I saw the rest of the site and realized I was luckier than I thought - this is a cool site :) I've been reading through it a little, very educational - I don't know much about British politics. I will be back...
Heya, I noticed you were following me on my site - thanks for that. I popped over, saw a content warning and was like, "woot! porn!" Then after clicking "let me in" or whatever, I saw the hot blond at the top and was like "JACKPOT!" Then I saw the rest of the site and realized I was luckier than I thought - this is a cool site :) I've been reading through it a little, very educational - I don't know much about British politics. I will be back...
ReplyDeleteMany thanks. Not sure about 'educational', but I try :-D
ReplyDeleteYou may want to get rid of the 'content warning'. It's just another obstacle to others reaching your excellent blog.
ReplyDeleteI've been doing my best to get the word out!
Thanks for the tip, Rab - will look to remove it over the w/end.