Thursday, 8 October 2009

HaHaHaHa...... No wait... it's not April 1st... is it?..... You mean this is true?

I shit you not......

Tim Nicholson, 41, of Oxford, was made redundant in July 2008 as head of sustainability at Grainger Plc, Didcot.
A judge ruled in March he could use employment equality laws to claim unfair dismissal.
Sounds fairly straight foward..... yeah?

Mr Nicholson, who said his belief in climate change governed his life to the extent that he no longer flies, had said in a written statement that the company's chief executive Rupert Dickinson did not take his concerns about climate change seriously.
Okaaaaay........ claim he was unfairly dismissed because of his views on climate change.
Alright, then.....

He was given permission to make his claim under the Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations 2003 that covers "any religion, religious belief, or philosophical belief".
Okay.... WAIT..... YOU WHAT?!...... Climate change a  FUCKING religious/philosophical belief?.... Since when?

Climate Change cannot be a religion/religious belief. For a start, Climate Change is (supposedly) man-made and has nothing to do with super-human controlling powers and/or gods. There's no 'faith' involved and what deity is there to adore or idolise that's connected to Climate Change?......

So that leaves us with philosophical, 'according to philosophy' (by definition). How does philosophy enter into Climate Change? It isn't the pursuit of truth or knowledge of principles, ideologies or wisdom. It doesn't involve reason and/or argument, in seeking the ultimate truth. Climate Change is exactly what it says on the tin.... Changes in the climate (otherwise know as weather). Climate change is about Meteorology, Climatology, etc dealing with facts and figures - statistical data. In other words...... SCIENCE.

Before any Environ-mentalists, accuse me of being a Jeremy Clarkson sympathiser, consider the consequences of this case should it be successful......

Claim by vegetarian retail assistant for constructive dismissal, cause she had to eat her lentils in the staff canteen next to people eating bacon sandwiches.....

Claim by IT technician for unfair dismissal after he was sacked for numerous unauthorised absences when he was off attending religious festivals Star Trek Conventions....

Claim by Vegan Builder for unfair dismissal, after he was sacked for refusing to wear his safety boots (which were made from 'animal products'), in favor of his hemp sandals.....

Then again....... if this case is successful, I'll be able to start watching Porn on my computer at work..........

Picture from motivated photos

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